
How Security Guards Can Help Retail Stores Stay COVID-Safe

Partisan Protective Services

Keep Your Store COVID-safe with Effective Access Control

With more than 12 months having now passed since the first recorded case of COVID-19 in Australia, an increasing number of Australian businesses are relying on the services of security companies to help them meet their obligations under the “new normal” retail trading environment.

After a difficult year of restrictions, lockdowns and border closures, we are slowly starting to see businesses resume regular trade, albeit in a somewhat altered fashion.

In order to uphold the safety of their staff and customers, as well as avoid hefty fines for non-compliance, it has become more pertinent than ever for retailers to outsource the management of in-store customer traffic flow to an external provider.

Meeting your COVID-safe obligations

Once your business has a thorough COVID-19 Safety Plan in place, it is time for you to start thinking about how to efficiently meet your COVID-safe obligations without detracting from the business of making a profit.

Frontline retail staff have proven invaluable during this pandemic in their role of keeping the cogs of the economy turning.

In order for these highly trained and valuable staff to continue servicing the needs of your customers, it has become crucial to ensure that their attention not be distracted by the sometimes onerous work of monitoring for COVID-safe compliance.

This is where the use of private security guards for retail makes good business sense.

How security guards can help keep you and your customers safe

  • Encouraging QR code scanning by all customers upon entry to your store.
  • Prompt customers to physically distance and perform hand hygiene where practical.
  • Ensuring store capacity does not exceed square metre restrictions.
  • Strongly encourage the use of face masks where practical in settings where social distancing may prove difficult.
  • Provide visual reassurance for your customers that their safety is a priority and that COVID-19 restrictions are being adhered to.
  • Supervise the use of separate doors and/or designated entry and exits.
  • Promote physical distancing by pointing out the floor space markers or other visual cues displayed in your store.
  • First aid-trained, they are a great resource when considering how to exclude staff or customers presenting with COVID-19-like symptoms.
  • Provide a deterrent for crowding and gathering of large numbers of people in (or immediately outside of) your business premises.
  • Assist with maintaining physical distancing in travellators, stairwells and escalators.

The Benefits For Your Business

By allocating designated security guards to attend to the above, retailers send a strong message to consumers that they take the threat of COVID-19 seriously and are doing their part to help minimise the spread of the virus.

Having security guards available to take on these COVID-safe obligations also reassures retail staff that their employer values their safety, along with preventing employees from becoming “burnt out” from the added responsibility.

No longer tied up with monitoring for COVID-safe compliance, retail staff can continue to drive sales and provide solid customer service, allowing Australian retailers to continue to trade their way into economic recovery.

If you are located in Sydney Metro, Western Sydney, NSW, Gosford, Tuggerah or Wyong, contact Partisan Protective Services online or call 1300 949 944 to hear more about how our trained and professional security guards can assist your retail business.

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